
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Cape Town Conflagration update with Ward Councillor Nicola Jowell
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Join me for an interview with Nicola Jowell, War Councillor for Cape Town's Ward 54 about the events of the day in Cape Town and the current situation as of 2200 local (18 Apr 2021).

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
!!BREAKING NEWS!! Table Mountain fire "rages out of control" in Cape Town
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
BREAKING NEWS out of the Mother City where the SANParks has ordered the evacuation of the area surrounding the Rhodes Memorial Restaurant after a fire has gotten out of control on Table Mountain in Cape Town.
The cause of the fire is not yet disclosed. Apparently UCT students have been evacuated from campus as well.

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Zimbabwe Independence 41 years on... tragedy & misery, not prosperity
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Modern Zimbabwe is 41 years old now. Sadly, Zimbabweans are far worse off today after decades of kleptocratic rule and malevolent ZNAU-PF rule.
Hunger, HIV, political repression and misery stalk the landscape.

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
How Chris Roper Carries the Water for UCT Lecturer Lwazi Lushaba
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Writing in BusinessLive.co.za, Chris Roper expresses anger at the cherry picking of journalists and says it is unfair to take a 12 second clip of a 55 minute lecture. He is correct. But he does not stay on the side of the angels very long.
In his anger he blames journalists for their blind spots, selective editing and superficial investigating. Yet, he defends Lushaba's huge whoppers. One need only spend 30 seconds searching for information on the U.S. Constitution to see that Roper is guilty of the very things he attacks others in the media for: superficial research. Simply reading the 13th Amendment would reveal just how wrong or dishonest Lushaba was. Lushaba said the following (according to Roper):
"the very same law may be interpreted by people differently … There was never a law enacted in America to prohibit slavery. All that changed was that the category ‘human’ in amendment 14 was expanded to include black Americans."
Unfortunately for Lushaba and Roper, who it seems made no effort to check that whopper, the 13th Amendment in fact does ban slavery.

Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Africa today with Chris Wyatt (17 Apr 2021)
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Live stream with cogent conversation and insightful analysis on Africa.

Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Indada Africa News of the Day (17 Apr 2021)
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Indaba Africa News of the Day (17 Apr 2021) on Stray Voltage is a daily rundown of news stories from Africa and the USA, with a special focus on Southern Africa and South Africa. News in our coverage comes from a wide variety of news sources around the world on both ends of the political spectrum, drawn from English, German, French and Afrikaans media sources. The analysis and op-ed is the outcome of over four decades of analytical and intelligence work.

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Why South Africa is still so segregated reaction to Vox video
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
On 12 Apr 2021 Vox posted a video purporting to explain why South Africa is "still so segregated. " just one problem: South Africa is not segregated. To the uninformed, the #Vox video woudl leave one with the impression that South Africans cannot live, work or attend school anywhere. That is simply not true.
I note several factually incorrect or inaccurate statements in the video, including the statement the ANC ended segregation. But the problem with their story is that it ended legally prior to their assumption of power and governance.
The video never discusses Bantu colonization, choosing to share a one sided and inaccurate narrative. IT also fails to mention the massive failure, pervasive corruption and wanton destruction of the country by far too many #ANC cadres.
South Africa has many inequities, but nearly 28 years after assuming power, wasting $7 billion on an needless arms deal, #Nkandla, Oilgate, Travelgate, and countless other scams, the ANC has frittered away valuable resources that woudl have balanced the scales quite easily.
Apartheid is long gone. The ANC too will be history is it does not begin to prosecute the criminals in its ranks and govern rather than pilfer and divide the country.

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Wheelchair bound farmer Neil McKay murdered in South Africa
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Two seemingly unrelated events are, nonetheless, tied directly together as yet another defenseless rural South Africa is brutally murdered in #Bheki #Cele's gangster's paradise of South Africa. You know the place. The country where President Cyril #Ramaphosa in Jan 2018 told Bloomberg ON CAMERA that there "are no farm murders in South Africa, no White South Africans are being killed."
The latest is the slaying of Neil McKay, a 46 year old wheelchair bound farmer in #KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) who hands were restrained behind his back as his assailants strangled him to death in his wheelchair.
Meanwhile, the race hustling party of malcontents issued a public statement just days before this murder on 06 Apr in which the #EFF spewed lies about South Africa and besmirched 4.8M White South Africans in a sad and wildly inaccurate depiction of South Africa.
The sickening and callous disregard for the safety and welfare of rural South Africans on the part of the ruling #ANC is appalling. It is nearly 30 years past time to address this phenomenon. If the ANC cannot or will not provide for public safety, why vote for them? The danger is to ALL South Africans, Black, brown and White, not just defenseless crippled White farmers in remote locations.
Stand up South Africa. Condemn this carnage. Work together to protect all your brothers and sisters, or, one day this will arrive on your doorstep too.

Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Africa today with Chris Wyatt (10 Apr 2021)
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Test run for livestream.

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Indada Africa News of the Day (07 Apr 2021)
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Indaba Africa News of the Day (07 Apr 2021) on Stray Voltage is a daily rundown of news stories from Africa and the USA, with a special focus on Southern Africa and South Africa. News in our coverage comes from a wide variety of news sources around the world on both ends of the political spectrum, drawn from English, German, French and Afrikaans media sources. The analysis and op-ed is the outcome of over four decades of analytical and intelligence work.